Tutoring Services

Literature Tutor

Write and Read Effectively


A tutor can help. High school and college both require a lot of reading and writing. Your ACT and SAT scores should be excellent. How do you study? Sometimes it is hard to keep up. We can help. Serving NE suburban Atlanta and western suburban Chicago, and everywhere Zoom reaches.

Why a tutor? Do you want a guided tour through great literature, analyzing it as you go? Contact us now.

Writing well and understanding what you’ve read is imperative to success. Let’s explore what you need to be better at both.

Fiction and Poetry Tutor

  • What are Hemingway, Steinbeck, Twain, Lee, Poe, Melville, Fitzgerald, Sandburg (etc.) really saying?
  • Why did Bob Dylan win the Nobel Prize for Literature?
  • How can I understand this complex book?
  • Cram Sessions– Learn one book quickly. 

We’ll walk through books together. You’ll learn the facts and the nuances along the way. Maybe we’ll argue who is a better writer: Paul McCartney or John Lennon. Or Justin Bieber or Taylor Swift?

Writing Tutor

  • How do you best organize an essay?
  • What’s a villanelle? Sonnet? Limerick? Free verse vs blank verse?
  • Flash fiction, short story, novella, novel?
  • When should you have a subplot?


Working on a NaNoWriMo novel? Let’s do it. If you’re stuck, we’ll help you structure the finish. If you are editing, we’ll help you prioritize and review.

Adult Learning, Book Clubs, and Executive Communications

We help professionals too. If you are an executive looking to improve your written and spoken communications skills, let’s take. We will discuss a personalized plan to help you lead.

Do you want to learn how to write more effectively, through understanding and writing fiction and poetry? We are available for private and small group teaching of literature and writing. Or, how about your book club? 

Home schoolers, private school and public school students are all welcome.

Serving Gwinnett County, metro-Atlanta, Chicago, and virtual.

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What We Offer

Subject Tutoring

Focus on general fiction, or get specific. Learn poetry, and what makes a good poem.


English & Literature

Speech Writing and Delivery

Writing Help

When you need coaching through writing that essay, story, speech, or poem, we can help.

Creative Writing - Fiction

Creative Writing - Poetry

Essays - Logic and Structure


For HS/college students, adult book discussion, and homeschoolers adding to their learning.

Study Groups

Book Clubs


Literature Tutor Anthony Trendl

Learn From The Comfort of Home!

Online Tutoring

COVID-19 reminded us we can learn from home. Wherever you are in the world, we can help.