One on One Tutoring
One-on-one tutoring can either be reflective — working off of your syllabus, or we work together on something new, to meet your goals. Either way, we do more than help with homework. You’ll learn more than you expect.
- Are you in a literature course, but want to ensure you know the material?
- Have you always been curious to get into a book but want personalized help learning it?

And gladly wolde he lerne, and gladly teche.
Geoffrey Chaucer
How It Works
You commit to one month at a time. Usually, we’d meet twice a week, but we can meet as frequently as you like.
You’re going to work. You’re going to dig into a new level.
During our time, you’ll have our full attention. Our phones will be off, and all other distractions will be set aside. Imagine a sprint, except we don’t go 100 meters. We instead go 26.2 miles. Expect to be tired.
At whatever level you are, we start. Are you halfway into a novel and are completely lost? No problem. Or you have a dozen poems to understand by next week? No problem. If you have to write a short story, let’s do it.
If you are between semesters, but have the next semester’s syllabus, great. We’d work on a plan to get you ready to hit the ground running.
Each session might include discussing characters, setting, tone, conflicts, the interplay and dynamics of relationships, and more. We’d review and discuss as well as plow through hard questions and conflicting opinions. We’d get into the context of the story, like what was going on nationally when John Steinbeck was writing.
We love one-on-one tutoring because through it, you will get your questions answered. You bring your best and we’ll bring ours.